
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Cira Dupont

District One Female; 18


Strengths: Thoughtful, Devoted, Pedantic, Realistic, Retentive, Modest
Weaknesses: Pessimistic, People-Pleaser, Self-Conscious, Breakable, Blunt, Obsessive
Weapon of Choice: Crossbow

Allies: Ambrox Linden, Seeva Andino, Luther Szeto, Orla Ferraris, Morgana Foster
Mentor: Jasmyn Abioye Desloncourt
Training Score: 9

Kills: Geoff Windsor

Predicted Placement: 8th

Ambrox Linden

District One Male; 18


Strengths: Talented, Unhesitating, Cautious, Dedicated, Ruthless
Weaknesses: Brash, Unforgiving, Elitist, Abrasive, Arrogant
Weapon of Choice: Broadsword

Allies: Cira Dupont, Seeva Andino, Luther Szeto, Orla Ferraris, Morgana Foster
Mentor: Vintage Desloncourt
Training Score: 11

Kills: Orla Ferraris

Predicted Placement: 1st

Seeva Andino

District Two Female; 18


Strengths: Genuine, Protective, Chivalrous, Independent, Gregarious
Weaknesses: Indecisive, Unforgiving, Arbitrary, Trusting, Tenacious
Weapon of Choice: Hatchets

Allies: Cira Dupont, Ambrox Linden, Luther Szeto, Orla Ferraris, Morgana Foster
Mentor: Sujax Torro
Training Score: 10


Predicted Placement: 2nd

Luther Szeto

District Two Male; 18


Strengths: Unflinching, Appealing, Jocular, Scheming, Expressive
Weaknesses: Careless, Maddening, Inquisitive, Unreliable, Irreverent
Weapon of Choice: Spear

Allies: Cira Dupont, Ambrox Linden, Seeva Andino, Orla Ferraris, Morgana Foster
Mentor: Athena
Training Score: 10

Kills: Tyree

Predicted Placement: 7th

Salamandra Mitch

District Three Female; 17


Strengths: Elusive, Quick-Witted, Captivating, Unwavering
Weaknesses: Cruel, Power-Hungry, Greedy, Boastful, Cocky
Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrow

Allies: Valentino Ricci
Mentor: Eli Meisel
Training Score: 8


Predicted Placement: 4th

Cassius Fleur

District Three Male; 15


Strengths: Level-Headed, Approachable, Logical, Sincere, Curious
Weaknesses: Stubborn, Unknowing, Depending, Immature, Awkward, Nervous
Weapon of Choice: Traps

Allies: Bexley Ward, Scout Trinian, Roizer Loudon
Mentor: Pulse Bohacz
Training Score: 4


Predicted Placement: 22nd

Scout Trinian

Killed by Jean Taylor. Placed 19th.

District Four Male; 13


Strengths: Pleasant, Genuine, Faithful, Endearing
Weaknesses: Nervous, Childish, Naive, Indecisive, Anxious, Shy
Weapon of Choice: Spear

Allies: Roizer Loudon, Cassius Fleur, Bexley Ward
Mentor: Mags Lyons
Training Score: 2

Kills: None.

Predicted Placement: 23rd

Orla Ferraris

Killed by Ambrox Linden. Placed 22nd.

District Four Female; 17


Strengths: Shameless, Bold, Amoral, Thick-Skinned, Ambitious, Ruthless
Weaknesses: Antagonistic, Arrogant, Emotional, Sensitive, Melodramatic, Nosy
Weapon of Choice: Warhammer

Allies: Cira Dupont, Ambrox Linden, Seeva Andino, Luther Szeto, Morgana Foster
Mentor: Mags Lyons
Training Score: 4

Kills: None.

Predicted Placement: 17th

Mara Griffith

District Five Female; 17


Strengths: Clandestine, Clever, Nimble, Incisive
Weaknesses: Taciturn, Anxious, Suicidal, Burdened, Prejudiced
Weapon of Choice: Sai

Allies: Andrew Vickens
Mentor: Triss Tsui
Training Score: 7


Predicted Placement: 6th

Andrew Vickens

Killed by Morgana Foster. Placed 20th.

District Five Male; 18


Strengths: Humorous, Withdrawn, Altruistic, Forgiving, Loyal, Insightful
Weaknesses: Reserved, Sight-Deprived, Awkward, Depressed, Resigned
Weapon of Choice: Knife

Allies: Mara Griffith
Mentor: Triss Tsui
Training Score: 2

Kills: None.

Predicted Placement: 21st

Daisy Jackson

District Six Female; 15


Strengths: Afflicted, Hardened, Enduring, Straightforward, Trustful
Weaknesses: Addicted, Frail, Unhinged, Hyper-focused, Bipolar, Suicidal
Weapon of Choice: Mace

Allies: Sparkle Aire
Mentor: None.
Training Score: 4


Predicted Placement: 12th

Roizer Loudon

District Six Male; 14


Strengths: Mature, Critical, Creative, Guarded, Thoughtful
Weaknesses: Conflictive, Traumatized, Self-Loathing, Agoraphobic, Weak
Weapon of Choice: Knife

Allies: Scout Trinian, Cassius Fleur, Bexley Ward
Mentor: None.
Training Score: 5


Predicted Placement: 19th

Morgana Foster

District Seven Female; 18


Strengths: Honorable, Devoted, Merciful, Self-Serving, Skilled, Imposing
Weaknesses: Cynical, Self-Conscious, Aloof, Stilted, Kleptomaniac, Hoarder
Weapon of Choice: Longsword

Allies: Cira Dupont, Ambrox Linden, Seeva Andino, Luther Szeto, Orla Ferraris
Mentor: Suhndit Laghari
Training Score: 9

Kills: Andrew Vickens

Predicted Placement: 3rd

Logan Arteficavitch

District Seven Male; 15


Strengths: Observant, Creative, Quick-Thinking, Resourceful, Optimistic
Weaknesses: Impulsive, Reckless, Timorous, Stubborn, Clingy
Weapon of Choice: Axe

Allies: Jean Taylor, Geoff Windsor
Mentor: Suhndit Laghari
Training Score: 6


Predicted Placement: 18th

Bexley Ward

District Eight Female; 17


Strengths: Impenetrable, Individualistic, Savvy, Watchful, Spontaneous
Weaknesses: Gruff, Foul-Mouthed, Protective, Vexatious, Strained
Weapon of Choice: Hatchet

Allies: Cassius Fleur, Scout Trinian, Roizer Loudon
Mentor: None.
Training Score: 6


Predicted Placement: 9th

Jean Taylor

District Eight Male; 16


Strengths: Cordial, Organized, Venturesome, Entertaining, Analytic, Deceptive
Weaknesses: Paranoid, Eccentric, Preoccupied, Distrustful, Perfectionist, Feeble
Weapon of Choice: Throwing Knives

Allies: Logan Arteficavitch, Geoff Windsor
Mentor: None.
Training Score: 4

Kills: Scout Trinian

Predicted Placement: 16th

Mona Tillery

District Nine Female; 13


Strengths: Cunning, Unassuming, Communicative, Amiable, Mischievous
Weaknesses: Vengeful, Obsessive, Resentful, Rebellious, Histrionic, Hedonistic
Weapon of Choice: Poison

Mentor: Turner 'Momo' Monkland
Training Score: 3


Predicted Placement: 20th

Geoff Windsor

Killed by Cira Dupont. Placed 21st.

District Nine Male; 16


Strengths: Witty, Silver-Tongued, Positive, Charismatic, Uninhibited
Weaknesses: Impetuous, Aspiring, Generous, Selfless, Rash
Weapon of Choice: Knife 

Allies: Logan Arteficavitch, Jean Taylor
Mentor: Turner 'Momo' Monkland
Training Score: 5

Kills: Aderyn Klossner

Predicted Placement: 10th

Aderyn Klossner

Killed by Geoff Windsor. Placed 23rd.

District Ten Female; 15


Strengths: Deceptive, Improvising, Thick-Skinned, Reticent, Self-Serving
Weaknesses: Erratic, Volatile, Histrionic, Bitter, World-Weary
Weapon of Choice: Machete

Allies: Jessamine Law
Mentor: Glenn Duncan
Training Score: 4

Kills: None.

Predicted Placement: 15th

Valentino Ricci

District Ten Male; 18


Strengths: Hardworking, Relaxed, Sensible, Apprehensive, Kind-Hearted
Weaknesses: Indecisive, Compliant, Hesitant, Secretive, Faithless
Weapon of Choice: Broadsword

Allies: Salamandra Mitch
Mentor: Glenn Duncan
Training Score: 7


Predicted Placement: 5th

Jessamine Law

District Eleven Female; 16


Strengths: Bright, Creative, Pleasant, Inquisitive, Conversational
Weaknesses: Unfocused, Shifty, Self-Critical, Uninvested, Doubtful
Weapon of Choice: Machete

Allies: Aderyn Klossner
Mentor: Casmir Agarwal
Training Score: 5


Predicted Placement: 13th


Killed by Luther Szeto. Placed 24th.

District Eleven Male; 12


Strengths: Unassuming, Tenacious, Unpredictable, Childlike, Kind-Hearted
Weaknesses: Unadjusted, Submissive, Gullible, Tiresome, Disconcerting
Weapon of Choice: Rocks

Allies: None.
Mentor: Casmir Agarwal
Training Score: 1

Kills: None.

Predicted Placement: 24th

Sparkle Aire

District Twelve Female; 18


Strengths: Fiery, Theatrical, Cynical, Brazen, Determined, Seductive
Weaknesses: Vindictive, Delusional, Insulting, Prideful, Defensive, Explosive
Weapon of Choice: Spiked Baton

Allies: Daisy Jackson
Mentor: None.
Training Score: 5


Predicted Placement: 14th

Abel Collingwood

District Twelve Male; 16


Strengths: Observant, Enigmatic, Unobstrusive, Mistrustful, Immoral
Weaknesses:  Apathetic, Paranoid, Jaded, Cynical, Unfriendly
Weapon of Choice: Knife

Mentor: None.
Training Score: 6


Predicted Placement: 11th

The Victors

Sujax Torro, District Two;
Victor of the 1st Hunger Games.

Age of Victory: 18
Kills: 7

Successful Mentorships: Athena.

Casmir Agarwal, District Eleven;
Victor of the 2nd Hunger Games.

Age of Victory: 17
Kills: 4

Successful Mentorships: None.

Glenn Duncan, District Ten;
Victor of the 3rd Hunger Games.

Age of Victory: 18
Kills: 7

Successful Mentorships: None.

Eli Meisel, District Three;
Victor of the 4th Hunger Games.

Age of Victory: 17
Kills: 5

Successful Mentorships: Pulse Bohacz

Suhndit Laghari, District Seven;
Victor of the 5th Hunger Games.

Age of Victory: 18
Kills: 4

Successful Mentorships: None.

Jasmyn Abioye Desloncourt, District One;
Victor of the 6th Hunger Games.

Age of Victory: 17
Kills: 3

Successful Mentorships: Vintage Desloncourt

Vintage Desloncourt, District One;
Victor of the 7th Hunger Games.

Age of Victory: 17
Kills: 7

Successful Mentorships: None.

Athena, District Two;
Victor of the 8th Hunger Games.

Age of Victory: 18
Kills: 8

Successful Mentorships: None.

Turner 'Momo' Monkland, District Nine;
Victor of the 9th Hunger Games.

Age of Victory: 18
Kills: 0

Successful Mentorships: None.

 Mags Lyons, District Four;
Victor of the 10th Hunger Games.

Age of Victory: 16
Kills: 5

Successful Mentorships: None.

Pulse Bohacz, District Three;
Victor of the 11th Hunger Games.

Age of Victory: 15
Kills: 4

Successful Mentorships: None.

Triss Tsui, District Five;
Victor of the 12th Hunger Games.

Age of Victory: 17
Kills: 3

Successful Mentorships: None.