Sujax Torro, District Two;
Victor of the 1st Hunger Games.
Age of Victory: 18
Kills: 7
Successful Mentorships: Athena.
Casmir Agarwal, District Eleven;
Victor of the 2nd Hunger Games.
Age of Victory: 17
Kills: 4
Successful Mentorships: None.
Glenn Duncan, District Ten;
Victor of the 3rd Hunger Games.
Age of Victory: 18
Kills: 7
Successful Mentorships: None.
Eli Meisel, District Three;
Victor of the 4th Hunger Games.
Age of Victory: 17
Kills: 5
Successful Mentorships: Pulse Bohacz
Suhndit Laghari, District Seven;
Victor of the 5th Hunger Games.
Age of Victory: 18
Kills: 4
Successful Mentorships: None.
Jasmyn Abioye Desloncourt, District One;
Victor of the 6th Hunger Games.
Age of Victory: 17
Kills: 3
Successful Mentorships: Vintage Desloncourt
Vintage Desloncourt, District One;
Victor of the 7th Hunger Games.
Age of Victory: 17
Kills: 7
Successful Mentorships: None.
Athena, District Two;
Victor of the 8th Hunger Games.
Age of Victory: 18
Kills: 8
Successful Mentorships: None.
Turner 'Momo' Monkland, District Nine;
Victor of the 9th Hunger Games.
Age of Victory: 18
Kills: 0
Successful Mentorships: None.
Mags Lyons, District Four;
Victor of the 10th Hunger Games.
Age of Victory: 16
Kills: 5
Successful Mentorships: None.
Pulse Bohacz, District Three;
Victor of the 11th Hunger Games.
Age of Victory: 15
Kills: 4
Successful Mentorships: None.
Triss Tsui, District Five;
Victor of the 12th Hunger Games.
Age of Victory: 17
Kills: 3
Successful Mentorships: None.